Sunday, March 27, 2011

2011 Ride #23 Mileage and towing Alana

Today I headed out to Flatwoods to get some miles in but took the bike trailer and Ana's bike so they could meet me up later in the morning. I got in just shy of 22 miles by myself, and then another 15 while towing Alana behind me. It was a stellar day and getting out before the wind picked up was a Godsend. The freaky part was the temperature variations around the loop. In some sections it was around 55F, in others about 70. Normally you can tell the swing a little but this shift was so great that my glasses and the bike computer fogged up for a minute or two. I have succeeded in raising my average 20 mile speed by almost 3 miles per hour since I got the new bike.

Amazingly, I really couldnt feel Alana behind me until I caught the windy side of the loop. Ana learned about drafting today and enjoyed riding at a faster pace behind Alana and I.

Ride Stats:

Without Alana:
Started: Mar 27, 2011 8:11:51 AM
Ride Time: 1:13:32
Distance: 21.88 miles
Average Speed: 17.86 miles/h
Fastest Speed: 23.01 miles/h
Ascent: 450 feet
Descent: 405 feet
Calories: 1387

With Alana:
Started: Mar 27, 2011 9:47:59 AM
Ride Time: 1:12:13
Stopped Time: 6:40
Distance: 15.02 miles
Average Speed: 12.48 miles/h
Fastest Speed: 19.56 miles/h
Ascent: 140 feet
Descent: 132 feet
Calories: 946

Thursday, March 24, 2011

2011 Ride #22 Flatwoods...still sick!

After work Wednesday night I headed over to Flatwoods, still sick but wanting to ride in the worst of ways. Made sure the tires were up at 115psi, and went to work. I hate to bitch about the wind, but seriously, it has been nuts lately. Today I saw WNW winds at 15mph. Most of Flatwoods seems to face this direction (especially the side with the least trees to block any of it). I have established that I will no longer drink HEED, so far it is the only Hammer product I can't stomache. I love perpetum, their bars, and most the other stuff they sell (and it works well!).

On my first pass around the track, my fastest time was on the SE side, where I posted several 20+ mph averages. I am happy that since I got my bike, my mph average has gone up almost 2mph.

By the time I was wrapping up my second lap, I was feeling the effects of being sick. At 23 miles I wasn't too upset.

Ride Stats and Map:
Started: Mar 23, 2011 5:35:51 PM
Ride Time: 1:17:08
Stopped Time: 8:22
Distance: 23.17 miles
Average Speed: 18.02 miles/h
Fastest Speed: 23.77 miles/h
Ascent: 99 feet
Descent: 141 feet
Calories: 1500

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

2011 Ride #21 - Trainer Ride

5:30 am, 6.01 miles, 25:04 minutes....5:30am....

Sunday, March 20, 2011

2011 Ride #20 Sick Ride at Flatwoods

Being sick sucks! I was supposed to go with Suncoast Cycling and do the Suncoast Trail Head to Toe today - that didn't happen. I did find out though that I had misread the recommended PSI inflation I am riding on about 115 PSI and it rolls sooo much better.

Being sick I didnt push too hard, but between improving my pedaling technique, dropping a gear to work towards raising my cadence, I managed to up my average speed to 17.51mph, which is .12mph faster than my previous best average.

Ride Stats:
Started: Mar 20, 2011 9:13:41 AM
Ride Time: 1:00:55
Stopped Time: 11:21
Distance: 17.78 miles
Average Speed: 17.51 miles/h
Fastest Speed: 22.70 miles/h
Ascent: 651 feet
Descent: 587 feet
Calories: 1068

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2011 Ride #19 First ride on the trainer

So I picked up a Blackburn fluid trainer this past Friday so that I can get my mileage up without riding on the death highways that surround the condo. Trying to find a fluid trainer locally was a pain. I finally stopped by another one of our good LBS and found this one. The best part is they give discounts to SWAMP club members, so I ended up with a stellar price on it.

I have been sick, so I just did a quick 20 minutes on it just to get a feel for it. Definitly will take some adjusting to.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

2011 Ride #18 Aiming for 50

And got 55! I started around 9am, up at SR 52 and the suncoast parkway. I headed toward Alex who was headed to the SR 54 parking area. I met up with him around 9:45, and hit the trails. It was a gorgeous day, with the exception of it being 50F. I knew sooner than later that it would heat up, so I just had to deal with it being cold for a bit. We road up towards SR 52 and got about 3/4 the way when Alex had a blowout.

20 minutes later and we were back on our way...

My goal today was to log 50 miles - the furthest I would have ridden so far. I managed to get in 55, which ended up being SR52 to SR54, SR54 to SR52, SR52 back to SR 54, on the return trip I rode all the way to the end of Starkey park, back to the trail and back to the car. I did push up the pace a bit after I left Alex at the parking lot which ended up hurting my endurance around the 48 mile mark. Note to self, don't do that again!

Ride Stats and Map:

Ride Time: 3:20:00
Distance: 55.57 miles
Average: 16.67 miles/h
Fastest Speed: 27.6 miles/h
Ascent: 717 feet
Calories: 3102
Cadence: 65 162
Heart Rate: 155 182

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

2011 Ride #17 - Fitting and Moving ride

Well, I have since moved to Temple Terrace from Riverview. One big benefit of this is that Flatwoods paved loop is just 8 miles away. This also means the wilderness trails are just 5 miles away.

Since I have had my bike now for a week, and was able to get one ride in, it was time for my proper fitting. Since I bought my bike at AJ's they offered a free fitting with the purchase. I hadn't done this previously with my mountain bike, but this time, I wanted to get it right. Erik put Ruby up on the trainer and leveled her out. Then he had me get on with my cleats and do a few minutes of warm up. After I was warmed up, he took several measurments using oversized protractors a plumb bob and took several measurements that were based on the bikes dimensions. He also gave me some tips about keeping my knees pointing inward, making sure I was keeping my back and arms at 90 degree angles. He also verfied my cleats were in proper alignment and had me pedal some more. It really felt leagues better.

Since we have moved, my boss let me change my hours up a little to help with baby pickup and traffic. 30 minutes here makes a huge difference. Today I left work but Ana had baby duty. Since I had my bike with me anyway, I just headed right to Flatwoods.

The ride:

Ok so this bike rocks, my average speed is already up almost 2 mph. I just have to wonder how much faster it would have been if the 20 mph headwind wasn't in the picture. I really made an effort to pedal like erik mentioned and when I did, it really paid off. I noticed my last mile before the cooldown mile was over 20mph average! Sweet!

Ride stats and maps:
Started: Mar 9, 2011 5:18:11 PM
Ride Time: 1:06:02
Stopped Time: 2:31
Distance: 19.14 miles
Average: 17.39 miles/h
Fastest Speed: 26.80 miles/h
Climb: 43 feet
Calories: 1345

Almost the same as bike computer:
Avg / Max:
Speed: 17.3 26.8
Cadence: 68 100
Heart 164 181
Distance 19.14

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2011 Ride #16 First ride on the Roubaix

So, I made some time tonight to finally get a leg over the new bike,

All I can say is WOW! This bike is freaking amazing. It soaks up the bumps and undulations in the road like nothing I have ever felt before. It took a few adjustments of the seat post to get it to what feels like is optimal but now feels amazing. The angle of the drops feels absolutely spot on. I cannot wait for this Sunday to really get some ride time in.

Tonights "ride" if you want to call it that since mostly it was just making adjustments and getting used to it stats:

Time: 28:04
Distance: 7.78 miles
Average: 16.6 mph
Max 22.1 mph
Cadence: 66/168 (avg/max)
Calories 239
Heart Rate: 160/176 bpm (avg/max)

2011 Ride #15 Clipped in at Boyette

This ride actually took place on 2/27, I just forgot to enter the details. It was a fantastic day out weatherwise - in another few weeks we are going to wish we still had this weather.

At any rate - this was the first time riding clipped in at Boyette. I had my reservations about doing this out there - but today I just put the pedals on and brought my shoes out and rode. There was only one corner I unclipped and walked (the same one twice) but it was so different being coupled to the bike out there. I have built up enough strenght now that even if I was a little over zealous with the brakes on the decent, I could lean forward and power through the climbs. Being clipped in certainly helps get back lost energy (and you can pull up as well as push down).

At any rate, ride stats and map:

Started: Feb 27, 2011 9:05:02 AM
Ride Time: 1:02:50
Distance: 11.01 miles
Average: 10.51 miles/h
Fastest Speed: 19.86 miles/h
Climb: 274 feet
Calories: 676

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New ride has arrived!

Too bad I won't be able to ride it till Sunday!

2010 Specialized Roubaix Elite - outfitted with Ultegra pedals and a Cateye V3 Pro.

In my quick jaunt around the parking lot at the bike shop, I could tell the ride quality was immensely better. This Sunday cannot get here fast enough!

Weight Goal #1 Reached

My goal was to be down to 200lbs by 3/1 - I am sitting right at 199.5 today woot!